Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crew Video

INTRODUCING: 1st Crew Video

Our very 1st official crew video~

Please enjoy and have fun~

Friday, May 9, 2014

May Birthstone


This May we have a new birthstone arrived!



Birthstone name : Emerald

WITHOUT helper :-

Garden Exp : 1,568

M-points : 980

WITH helper :-

Garden Exp : 5,143

M-points : 3,429

I'd love to thank my friend •Whi§per• for the picture of the Emerald

Thursday, May 8, 2014

1 million M-Points Wing

1M M-Point Wings Arrived!

The wings that has been waited for so long has finally arrived to our mail boxes~

Go on and check your mails if you have more than 1 million M-points then you'll get unlimited Muse Goddess Wings~

If less than a million then it's only 30 days Muse Goddess Wings~

We got it.... Have you? :)

Remember guys! Have fun and enjoy in game~


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Update


New patch new update! 

But the license has expired causing no more English songs :(

Well guys what do you think?

Do they put back English songs or not?

For the haters of English songs in Mstar Online, Please look up to Korea Mstar and Taiwan Mstar and Thailand Mstar~

They have English songs as well. So if you do request to remove English song and make Mstar an all-k-pop game please do tell KR, TW and TH Mstar to remove them as well~

I hate haters :(

Sorry....... Well anyways let it be an opinion not an anti English song comment :)